Purification Techniques For Water (Other Than Water Filters)

Purification Techniques For Water (Other Than Water Filters)

Water filters on tap, in bottles, and as standalone pumps are easy and convenient tools that you can buy online or at most department stores. Unfortunately, emergency situations aren’t always as convenient. If you’re ever stranded without a filter and...
The Disastrous Effects of Oil Spills

The Disastrous Effects of Oil Spills

Although oil is one of our population’s main source of energy, it also causes many issues. When mistakes are made that lead to an oil spill, our planet is put into serious risk. Oil spills can be caused by damaged offshore oil rigs, pipelines, or tankers. The damage...
The Price of Contaminated Water

The Price of Contaminated Water

Water pollution and contaminated drinking water have been a frequent topic on the news lately, with more and more towns becoming victim to unsafe drinking water. Years after the Flint Water Crisis first emerged, pipes are still being fixed to rebuild the community....
A New Test to Detect and Eliminate Water Pollution

A New Test to Detect and Eliminate Water Pollution

Contaminated drinking water is the cause of thousands of illnesses and disease every year. Without access to clean water, food production, drinking water, and recreational use can cause individuals to be exposed to many preventable health risks. According to the World...