Purification Techniques For Water (Other Than Water Filters)

Purification Techniques For Water (Other Than Water Filters)

Water filters on tap, in bottles, and as standalone pumps are easy and convenient tools that you can buy online or at most department stores. Unfortunately, emergency situations aren’t always as convenient. If you’re ever stranded without a filter and...
The Disastrous Effects of Oil Spills

The Disastrous Effects of Oil Spills

Although oil is one of our population’s main source of energy, it also causes many issues. When mistakes are made that lead to an oil spill, our planet is put into serious risk. Oil spills can be caused by damaged offshore oil rigs, pipelines, or tankers. The damage...
Ways to Test Your Drinking Water at Home

Ways to Test Your Drinking Water at Home

With the rise of contaminated water in local communities across the country, many people are now taking water testing into their own hands. Whether your water comes from a public water system or is from a private well or spring, routine testing is important to...
Clean Water Act Overview

Clean Water Act Overview

Though most people know the act as the Clean Water Act, this law concerning water pollution actually began as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948. This was the first major U.S. law that addressed water pollution. In 1972, public awareness for controlling...