Hard Water VS. Soft Water: What’s the Difference?
Is your water hard or soft? Everyone’s drinking water can be categorized into either hard or soft depending on the mineral content present. Many people believe hard or soft water can be harmful to one's health, but the truth is that it very rarely harms your...

A New Test to Detect and Eliminate Water Pollution
Contaminated drinking water is the cause of thousands of illnesses and disease every year. Without access to clean water, food production, drinking water, and recreational use can cause individuals to be exposed to many preventable health risks. According to the World...

Ways to Test Your Drinking Water at Home
With the rise of contaminated water in local communities across the country, many people are now taking water testing into their own hands. Whether your water comes from a public water system or is from a private well or spring, routine testing is important to...

A Possible Solution for the Future of Water Purification
Water purification is necessary whether hiking the trails, living off the grid or managing a city's water plant. A number of techniques are used every day for eliminating particulates and microbes from water. However, the Rochester Institute of Technology recently...

Ecofeminism: How Environmental Issues and Women’s Rights Collide
There's no doubt that women's rights and environmental rights have been steadily pushed to the forefront of political conversation, and for good reason! More and more recently, the conversation is being pushed to intersectional feminism, in particular, the...

Clean Water Act Overview
Though most people know the act as the Clean Water Act, this law concerning water pollution actually began as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948. This was the first major U.S. law that addressed water pollution. In 1972, public awareness for controlling...

Top 3 Charities for Clean Water
Water is something that every single person on Earth needs to survive. Apart from our ability to breathe, our need for water is our most immediate and basic need. The human right to water for hydration and hygiene is becoming less and less stable for a number of...

Tips to Keep Water Clean in Community
Water is arguably the most essential basic human need. Widely-accepted scientific observations recognize that the average human can typically last just three to four days in the absence of water. Rural, suburban, and urban residential areas are all suited on networks...

Flint, MI: The Overview
Flint, MI experienced one of the worst public health crises the United States has ever faced and continues to experience this crisis to this day. About four years ago, the city of Flint began to get its water from the Flint River instead of using the water that came...

Drinking Water in Illinois
As an advocate for safe and clean drinking water, one could understand my frustration to know that Illinois is one of the worst states in regards to contaminated water. Illinois is my home state and during my time as a trustee member of the Buffalo Grove board of...